HSE Consultant Anaesthesia ICU/ ITU in Munster
Region - Republic of Ireland on a fixed term / permanent basis; working for our
client via Workplace Doctors
*** Must
have IMC (Specialist Division) Registration (Irish Medical Council) - Essential
*** Location: Republic of Ireland – Munster Region (Clare, Cork, Kerry,
Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford)
Anaesthesia ICU/ ITU Intensive Care Anaesthetist
*** Role: Consultant (6+ years post graduate
*** Duration: 12 months (FREE visa & work
permit + relocation package offered)
*** Start date: ASAP
***IELTS Score of 7.0 Overall (minimum) –
***Exact location details provided on application
*** €217,235 to €261,051 Euro’s (dependent on
experience) basic salary (allowances paid extra)
Irish Teaching Hospitals and Medical Universities
receive great international acclaim & recognition throughout the world,
doctors with experience and training in Ireland typically enjoy great success
in terms of professional career development & job satisfaction.
This post is for a Consultant
anaesthetist with an interest in Intensive Care.
The post will involve flexible
day-time working with anaesthetic provision for lists across a range of
specialities in addition to regular intensive care sessions. The successful applicant will participate in
the intensive care on-call rota at secondary site, which is currently 1 in 9,
or at the main hospital 1 in 8.
There are 9 bed spaces, including a cubicle,
with current staffing for up to 8 patients, admitting approximately 840
patients per year. There is executive approval for a 13 bedded rebuild. The
unit has 9 consultants with daytime and on call sessions in ICU all of whom
have ICU as a major element of their job plan. Thus a consultant rota of 1 in 9
with prospective cover operates. The unit has 24/7 cover by consultants with
daytime sessions in ICU, with 2 consultants per day – a ‘hot week’ consultant
(to provide continuity) and a 24hour consultant, who is on call. The
operational policy of the ICU is of consultant to consultant referral from the
referring team. Senior nursing is provided at band 7 and there is a Nurse
Educator. Trainee resident staffing is provided by 8 anaesthesia trainees and 4
ACCS trainees as well as 4 Medical Training Initiative Doctors shared with the
Anaesthetic Dept and two staff grade doctors. The unit has 24/7 dedicated
resident ICU cover. The unit is approved by FICM for all levels of intensive
care training and has a Faculty Board Tutor. The hospital have 3 Advanced
Critical Care Practitioners in post and another 2 recruited for training in a
nearby University. We aim to have 9 in post by 2021
There is specific clerical time allocated for
ICNARC data collection and the unit has a clinical information system
(Metavision) which integrates patient observations, medical and nursing notes,
prescribing and results systems at the bedside. This has ongoing customisation
which has provided the ICU with a wealth of data capture opportunities. The ICU
also has a 24/7 band 7 critical care outreach service to facilitate both
admission to and discharge from the ICU as well as numerous educational and
audit initiatives. The ICU staff have monthly meetings incorporating clinical
policy making, audit, morbidity and mortality and other governance issues. ICU
consultants and trainees also attend the theatres division monthly audit
We have a developing Rehabilitation After
Critical Illness (RACI) service with 2 HCA trainees qualifying soon and band 7
nurse input for follow up on both sites.
Our research Lead has overseen entry to a
number of portfolio studies including PEPTIC, DREAMY and OPTIMISE
Please note that full IMC registration and
license to practice is an essential for this role. If you do not currently have
IMC registration, but you are in the process of applying, please use the
supporting information section of the application form to provide an update
about the status of your IMC application.
Candidates without IMC registration at the
time of shortlisting will not be considered- as per hospital requirements.
Additional Information
You will be able to take advantage of the
excellent Consultant contract for the Republic of Ireland. The basic salary
range for this post is euros 120,000 per annum to euros 160,893 per annum plus
a further euro 26,672 per annum available in Commitment Awards.
anaesthetic department at secondary site provides anaesthetic services for
elective surgery in 6 inpatient, and 3 day surgery theatres, as well as a
separate “NCEPOD” theatre and obstetric theatre.
Anaesthetic Services
anaesthetic consultants at the second site work flexibly in time and theatre
location, with rotas published 6 weeks in advance. This enables consultants to maintain their
skills across a wide range of specialities. For more complex areas – for
example ICU, vascular, upper g-i, and major ENT a smaller pool within the body
of Consultants with special interests will work flexibly to provide cover for
elective lists. This flexible working
enables the department to provide a high quality out-of-hours service across
the full range of specialities, including paediatric anaesthesia – as required,
despite there being only 2 Consultants on-call.
Surgical specialities hospital provide anaesthetic services for a wide range of surgical
specialities from day-case to complex surgery.
Surgical specialities include general surgery, vascular, urology,
ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynaecology, trauma and orthopaedics,
maxillo-facial, ENT, and community dentals.
Obstetrics. There are approximately 1800 deliveries a year at the secondary site,
with a Caesarean section rate of about 28%.
There are 3 elective LSCS lists per week that are staffed by a
Consultant anaesthetist. There is an antenatal anaesthetic assessment service,
with a clinic once a fortnight.
Currently there is no obstetric epidural service at CIC due to the
limited out-of hours resident anaesthetic staffing, but there is an intention
to introduce this service soon.
Paediatrics. Anaesthetic services are provided for straightforward paediatric
surgery, mainly ENT and dentals down to an age of 1 year, or 10kg, this, along
with CPD enables members of the department to maintain their skills for
management of paediatric emergencies that inevitably present.
Pre-assessment The department staffs and supports an active anaesthetic pre-assessment
service, with a combination of nurse and Consultant led clinics.
Emergency Theatre and Trauma There
is a staffed trauma list Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00, with a separate staffed
trauma list all day Monday to Saturday and afternoons, Sunday and Bank
Holidays. There is a 24/7 emergency
‘CEPOD’ theatre.
these hours there is an on-call service, with one resident anaesthetist in the
hospital covering theatres and obstetrics (including the epidural service) and
another covering ICU. They are supported by on call consultants in anaesthesia
and ICU
Chronic Pain The chronic pain service is led by Dr B Van Mourik, and there are
currently 7 chronic pain sessions a week, divided between clinic and treatment
sessions and covered by 2 Consultants.
Intensive Care Described above
Specific Duties
All appointed ICU consultants
undertake to work both in both clinical sites of the hospital.
The following is an example of a
10PA job plan:
6 PA DCC weekday working
0800-1800 theatres / ICU.
2 PA DCC for weekend and out of
hours unpredictable work.
2 SPA with 1.5 Core SPA and
additional 0.5 SPA role agreed with Clinical Director at job planning meeting.
Working patterns:
1 in 10 weeks are ‘hot weeks’ at
CIC (0800-1800 Monday to Friday -12.5 DCC)
1 in 10 weeks are ‘light weeks’
at CIC following the hot week – 1.25 DCC)
10 x 2 days per year working at
the main hospital ICU with travel supported as per trust policy.
24 hours on call on a 1 in 9
Remaining DCC are spent flexibly
working in theatres. Currently the
theatre lists are allocated to members of the department on a non-fixed,
flexible basis to provide optimal cover for surgical theatre lists. Within this, there is an agreed level of
cover between consultants depending on preferences and skills to provide
anaesthesia for the surgical specialties.
As such, the post holder on job planning can discuss with both ICU and
anaesthesia clinical directors their preferences, skills, and an agreement made
for their theatre allocation. Such an
agreement would also be in line with annual appraisal and development needs.
On a 10 PA job plan,
approximately 60% or more of time is spent in ICU.
Additional clinical PA may be
available on discussion with the clinical director.
The trust has a flexible working
policy which also may be discussed at job planning.
Teaching Commitments
regular commitments to ward based teaching of
participation in the lecture programmes for 2nd
and 4th & 5th year medical students.
teaching of other groups as required including other
specialty juniors and specialist nurses.
Job Plan
A formal job plan will be agreed between the appointee, the Operational Medical
Director and Lead Anaesthesia Consultant, on behalf of the Trust’s Medical
Director, based on the provisional timetable. This will be signed by the Chief
Executive and will be effective from the commencement date of the appointment.
It will be reviewed at 3 months & thereafter
annually or at any time, but no less than 3 months after a previous review, as
requested by the appointee, Operational Medical Director or Clinical Lead &
adjusted accordingly to the agreement of both parties.
Example Job Plan – Consultant in Anaesthesia and
Intensive Care
Agreed on-call rota |
1 in 9 |
Agreed category A or B |
A |
Consultant Anaesthetists work as a team to
undertake their clinical and related duties for the Trust. Individuals’ job plans vary in accordance
with their skills and interests as well as their role within the department.
The standard Job Plan is for 10PAs comprising of
8.0 Direct Clinical Care PAs, of which job diaries have shown 2PA required for
predictable and unpredictable on-call and 2.0 Supporting Professional Activity
Direct Clinical Care
6.0 PAs per week in ‘routine’ DCC activity made up
of a combination of some or all of the following:
All day operating list or intensive care 2.5 PAs
Half day operating list or intensive care 1.25 PAs
Clinics, including clinic admin time 1.25 PAs
Daytime On Call 2.5 Pas
In addition a further average of 2 PAs per week
allocated for provision of out of hours on call cover on a 1 in 8 rota:
Predictable (weekday evenings and weekend
mornings) 1.0 PA
Unpredictable 1.0
Anaesthetists’ duties when covering operating
lists include pre- and post-operative ward work. Depending on when patients are
admitted, this work is usually done on either the same day as the list, or the
preceding day. The PA calculation is
therefore based on an average notional 0800 – 1800 working day.
Daytime on call runs from 0800 – 1800, during the
week, with change-over at 08:30 Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.
There are predictable periods of on call activity
during early evening on weekdays and in the mornings at weekends. It is normally expected that the on call
Consultants will come in on Saturday and Sunday mornings at, or soon after
Routine and on-call duties are shared between
Consultants according to an agreed and published rota. Every effort is made to make efficient use of
the staff available whilst maintaining on call cover. Rotas will normally be published 6 weeks in
advance and after that any change in time of sessions should be agreed by
individual and the department. Location
and nature of lists or clinics may be changed at shorter notice if the
anaesthetist concerned is informed.
The intensive care team is committed to a joint
approach and common working practices across the two units. All appointees may
be required to work up to 20 days (50PA per annum) in the hospital when based
on the site. Travel for a daytime 0800-1800 activity normally attracts up to
0.5PA per day worked which can be used as additional payment or time in lieu.
All doctors should be familiar with the HSE
requirements governing good medical practice, which is supported by the Trust.
Standard Duties and responsibilities
a) To participate in development
of and undertake all duties and functions pertinent to the Consultant’s area of
competence, as set out within the Clinical Directorate Service Plan and in line with policies as specified by the
b) To ensure that duties and
functions are undertaken in a manner that minimises delays for patients and
possible disruption of services.
c) To work within the framework
of the hospital / agency’s service plan and/or levels of service (volume, types
etc.) as determined by the Employer. Service planning for individual clinical
services will be progressed through the Clinical Directorate structure or other
arrangements as apply.
d) To co-operate with the
expeditious implementation of the Disciplinary Procedure
e) To formally review the
execution of the Clinical Directorate Service Plan with the Clinical Director /
Employer periodically. The Clinical Directorate Service Plan shall be reviewed
periodically at the request of the Consultant or Clinical Director / Employer.
The Consultant may initially seek internal review of the determinations of the
Clinical Director regarding the Service Plan.
f) To participate in the
development and operation of the Clinical Directorate structure and in such
management or representative structures as are in place or being developed. The
Consultant shall receive training and support to enable him/her to participate
fully in such structures.
g) To provide, as appropriate,
consultation in the Consultant’s area of designated expertise in respect of
patients of other Consultants at their request.
h) To ensure in consultation with
the Clinical Director that appropriate medical cover is available at all times
having due regard to the implementation of the European Working Time Directive
as it relates to doctors in training.
i) To supervise and be
responsible for diagnosis, treatment and care provided by non-Consultant
Hospital Doctors (NCHDs) treating patients under the Consultant’s care.
j) To participate as a right and
obligation in selection processes for non-Consultant Hospital Doctors and other
staff as appropriate. The Employer will provide training as required. The
Employer shall ensure that a Consultant representative of the relevant
specialty / sub-specialty is involved in the selection process.
k) To participate in clinical
audit and proactive risk management and facilitate production of all
data/information required for same in accordance with regulatory, statutory and
corporate policies and procedures.
l) To participate in and facilitate production of all data/information
required to validate delivery of duties and functions and inform planning and
management of service delivery
Essential Requirements
This post is open to doctors who hold Registration
as a Specialist in the Specialist Division of the Registrar of Medical
Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in the specialty of Anaesthesia.
Office Accommodation
Office accommodation will be provided for the
appointee with secretarial support
Service Provision and Cover
during Absences
consultant has a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in his/her
charge and for the proper functioning of the service allowing for appropriate
delegation for the training of his/her staff.
must be available by telephone and able to attend the hospital in a timely
fashion when on-call (40 minutes journey time).
staff must ensure that services are covered during his/her planned absences.
Where fixed commitments need to be cancelled during planned absences
appropriate notice (8 weeks) must be given. Absences must be co-ordinated with
other consultant staff in the specialty to ensure senior cover is always
Management Responsibility
All Consultants are required to attend the monthly
Directorate Meetings. Post holders will be expected to share in administrative
duties allocated by mutual agreement within the Directorate. As part of the
Consultant Team, the consultant will
offer mentoring support and lead the existing clinical team through; joint
clinics, one-to-one support, individual case management and complex cases,
identifying development needs and suggesting CPD (Continuous Professional
Development) opportunities and responding to clinical enquiries via e-mail and
If you are interested in working in growing your
career and increasing your income, then talk to our healthcare team today. If
you can fill the above requirements, we will give you the following benefits:
*** Visa & Work Permit for FREE!
*** Guidance, Training & Career Development
*** Dedicated & Supportive team- Consultant
available when you need.
*** Excellent Basic Pay, Overtime paid for extra
***Assistance provided with relocation
We look
forward to helping you progress your career and find you the ideal position.
Guide to working in the Republic of Ireland – Click here
The hospital
welcomes all applications irrespective of age, disability, gender, sexual
orientation, race or religion- essentially the applicant must meet the criteria
mentioned above
Call us
today on +44 (0) 1234 889213 to discuss this vacancy or email your CV to info@workplacedoctors.co.uk
or apply online today (see below).
***Please note due to the high number of
applications, we do answer every application in turn.***